вторник, 12 августа 2014 г.

Physics I Course Assistant


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Taking introductory physics or need a quick physics reference? Then you need the Wolfram Physics I Course Assistant. This app will help you work through your homework problems, ace your tests, and learn physics concepts. Forget canned examples! The Wolfram Physics I Course Assistant solves your specific physics problems on the fly.

This app covers the following topics from Physics I:

- Solve linear and rotational kinematic equations

- Calculate forces of gravity, friction, and springs

- Calculate motion of rockets, pendulums, collisions, and more

- Perform calculations involving mass, weight, density, energy, work, and power

- Do unit conversions

- Look up laws of physics and common physics constants

The Wolfram Physics I Course Assistant is powered by the Wolfram|Alpha computational knowledge engine and is created by Wolfram Research, makers of Mathematica—the world's leading software system for mathematical research and education.

The Wolfram Physics I Course Assistant draws on the computational power of Wolfram|Alpha's supercomputers over a 2G, 3G, 4G, or Wi-Fi connection.

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Nearly three years ago, there were rumblings that director Martin Scorsese on an adaptation of the novel Silence Shusako Endo, the history of the missionaries in the 17th Japan would take centuries, attached with Daniel Day-Lewis and Benicio Del Toro to star. The project did not have any progress made since then, But in a recent interview on Simon Mayo and Mark Kermode? S Radio Five show , Scorsese said he actually looking for. On the film as his next project That could mean his confirmed adapting snowman is likely to push on the back burner now . The question of whether he unite even with his Gangs of New York and The Age of Innocence star Daniel Day-Lewis for the project, said Scorsese, I'm not sure Daniel. 's Working with Steve right now, Steve Spielberg's The actor performs the director period drama Lincoln as the titular 16th President of the United States, but perhaps to to Scorsese after Spielberg's film. As for del Toro commitment if it lands under this villainous role in Star Trek 2, which will probably leave him out of the race. Either way, it's like Scorsese is gearing up for silence sounds soon, so stay tuned for updates.

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