вторник, 12 августа 2014 г.

Weight Loss Tracker Pro

Health & Fitness

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Monitor your weight loss!

If you switch to this version from the free version, make sure to backup your data from within the free version so that you can restore it in this version.

Create multiple profiles and enter a few of your vital statistics and get the following information:



*Avg daily energy expenditure

*Body fat

*Waist to height ratio

You can also track the following:





*Upper Leg

*Lower Leg

*Upper Arm

Set yourself a target and you can see how much you need to lose each day to reach it.

Graph view. See a graph showing your weight overtime. Set the range to drill down.

Can use several unit types:











*WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - backup/restore

Permissions are not used for any other purpose than those stated above

Download .apk

As the title says - lucky you decided against the more obvious Taken Too - combine there is another abduction and a further series of measures set pieces to loved ones in danger of loved ones, punching and shooting people like . This time, Neeson Bryan Mills, It was good, with a certain number of skills, which is a hit with his ex - wife, played by Famke Janssen again. The couple and their daughter, Maggie Grace see the return, on vacation in Istanbul, Bryan trying to reconcile with his wife as much as his willingness to impress every turn in the city. What he had not expected, but the father was killed of thugs his retrieve his daughter in Paris in Taken.

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