суббота, 4 октября 2014 г.

App Lock II Widget Pro


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★ What's the best app protector?

Strong password or cool lock screen? Of course NOT. The best proector would let prier not to be aware of any protection applied for your apps. App Lock II is one such protector to protect your private apps.

★ How it works?

When launching a protected app, it will throw a fake crash error which may mislead guest user into thinking that your app has a glitch or something. So it can stop guest from using your protected app in a natural manner.

But owner can clear it through several secret ways. It also provides a password protector with a secret input method.

★ How to launch it?

This is a widget version of App Locker II, it will not show any app icon on you phone desktop, so guest user is hard to find it.

For the owner, please long press the empty area of home desktop screen, and select the 'Z_AL II' widget from the 'Widget' menu. Then you can click the widget icon to open the App Locker and manage your portected apps. You would better remove the icon from Home screen after you finish the management.

★ Online Guide


Keyword: Application Protection, App Protector, AppLock, AppLocker

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' Napoleon Dynamite ' Writer make directorial debut with ' Austenland 'JJ Field, the Union Jack is playing in Captain America: The First Avenger, Jennifer Coolidge, Jane Seymour, Rupert Vansittart and James Callis round out the cast of the movie, the 30 is a single - something woman with a secret obsession with Mr. Darcy , the ruin her love life is no real people in comparison to the fictional character . However, when her life savings on a trip to an English resort Catering spend for Jane Austen-crazed women decide the fantasy woman is the perfect Regency - era gentleman meet real than they could have imagined. Sounds kind of cheesy, but the participation of Bret Mackenzie is almost enough to keep me interested. Alsobe It is interesting to see if this film has the same eccentric, quirky style as the rest of the films Hess Hess duo.

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