вторник, 29 июля 2014 г.

Guitar chords and tabs PRO

Music & Audio

Download .apk

Guitar chords and tabs is Android mobile application to find and view more than 500.000 chords or tabs from

hundreds of artists.

App includes:

- Оffline access to favorite tabs

- Categories for help keep your favorite songs organized and easy to find

- Autoscroll

- Chord diagrams with multiple variations

- History browsed songs

- Sharing

- Synchronization

- Tool for transpose chords

- Ability to stop auto scrolling when not playing

- Play youtube video for some songs

If you have any questions or problem with this app, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Download .apk

Another asked if she ever doubted it herself. 'Only about 400,000 times per 10 - minute interval, 'Swift replied .In addition to landing Swift Performance Harvey Mudd received a check for $ 10,000 from event sponsor Chegg and Swift himself, donated the same amount to the other four schools that completed in the top five for thrown the votes in the contest.

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